Why You Might Fail A Substance Screening For THC

CBD For Overthinking
CBD For Overthinking
Does CBD Show Up In Drug Test
Does CBD Show Up In Drug Test

Many raise this question in online forums: “Can you fail a drug test due to CBD products?” It might or might not happen depending on the form of CBD product one uses, plus how and when they do this.

Cannabis sativa has been classified into two forms ever since the US government passed the Agricultural Amendment Act: ‘hemp’ and ‘marijuana’. In the event cannabis Sativa contains under 0.3% THC, it would be termed industrial hemp. This variety of cannabis and the products derived from the strain are legally allowed everywhere in the US. However, if it has over 0.3% THC, cannabis Sativa would fall under the same ‘Schedule I’ substance category as psychoactive products such as heroin.

So, Why One Possibly Tests Positive For THC

No regulation exists in the cannabidiol market, so several products described as being ‘legal’ actually contain over 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol. Numerous government organizations are attempting to sort out this issue. It is why one might not pass a substance test after using a full spectrum CBD products. Then again, it is worth noting that this might or might not happen according to factors such as the cut-off level that the test has set for THC.

For an uninitiated, the phrase ‘cut-off level’ refers to the quantity of tetrahydrocannabinol in the blood or urine sample that will determine the test result. For instance, if it is 50 ng/ml for your marijuana test, you would fail it in the event of finding more quantity of it in the urine sample.

What To Do In This Situation?

When you are tested positive for tetrahydrocannabinol, tell yourself not to panic over your employment future. This is certainly not panic time because you could have legal options in the event of that company firing you or not hiring you based on this result alone. For instance, you might be the resident of a state in which there is protection for MMJ cardholders. In the event you live in that state, you could take legal action against the aforementioned entity.

Even if this protection is not there, just ask the entity whether they can take you through a ‘GC/MS’ drug screening. There could be grounds to sue that organization in the event of it refusing your request. In any case, remember that you failing the test may mean the quantity of tetrahydrocannabinol exceeded the aforementioned cut-off level due to your daily usage pattern. This is no uncommon phenomenon.